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Alumni Spotlight: Trevor Jones

Trevor Jones headshotGraduation Year: 


Bachelor's in Music Education


Gettysburg, PA

Why did you choose to attend WVU?

After a lesson with Andrew Kohn, I knew I had much to learn. I also attended a rehearsal directed by Larry Christianson and loved his report with the orchestra, not to mention their exceptional performance.

What is your profession now?

I wear a lot of different hats! Here they are House bassist and orchestra contractor at Marriott Theatre in Chicago. Business partner of the double bass podcast Contrabass Conversations. Last year, we opened a digital double bass sheet music store, Double Bass Blog Publications, which contains more than 350 publications for all skill levels. Secretary-Treasurer of the Theatre Musicians Association - Chicago Area Chapter. I write music for commercial use administered by Deep Sounds: Bassist and co-writer in the alternative rock band, Molehill.

Trevor Jones performing

What is your most interesting current/upcoming project?

Re-designing the online profile for Contrabass Conversations, Jason Heath's Double Bass Blog, and our double bass sheet music store.


How do you feel WVU and the College of Creative Arts prepared you for your career? 

WVU provided me with a terrific "core" education in music and the School of Music's student community's breadth of experiences provided me with a variety of opinions and viewpoints about music and society. Several classmates are still close friends and colleagues.

If you could give one piece of advice to incoming or current students in WVU's College of Creative Arts, what would it be? 

Be open to input from peers and professors regardless of whether you agree with their viewpoints and be open to changing your mind with new information.