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Alumni Spotlight: Faith Craven

Faith Craven headshotGraduation Year: 


Bachelors of Arts for Vocal Performance


Fairdale, KY

What is your profession now?

I am currently working with Yum! Brands at the Pizza Hut Service Desk

What is your most interesting current/upcoming project?

Right now I am focusing on auditions for Graduate school!

How do you feel WVU and the College of Creative Arts prepared you for your career? 

I had been studying music for almost seven years before I came to West Virginia University, but nothing could have prepared me for the amazing four years I had there. The most memorable part, for myself, were/are the people. I know that I wouldn’t be half the person I am today if not for the community that is the music department. There were incredible teachers and mentors that pushed me to not only be a better musician and/or actress but also a better person. Several of my teachers have become lifelong friends! I not only learned from the teachers, however, I also learned from my peers and many of my friends. WVU is a place where you can challenge, push and teach yourself and each other to become something so much more and special. WVU will always hold a special place in my heart, and I can’t wait for future students to also travel down our country roads and discover how amazing this place truly is.

If you could give one piece of advice to incoming or current students in WVU's College of Creative Arts, what would it be? 

Take advantage of EVERYTHING. If you want to learn how to play guitar, take the lessons! Love to compose music? Take private lessons! Only been in one genre of music but want to discover other forms like jazz or country or musical theater? TALK to your teachers! Don’t just explore in the music community, learn how to rock climb or take a painting class or prelaw course and live out your Elle Woods fantasy! College is all about discovering yourself and what you want to do with your life. I’m not saying that there won’t be doubts and struggles and a couple of stumbles but that should not deter you from pursuing your dreams, even if it is just for a fun hobby or side project. Even if you crash and burn, which will happen more than you wish, think about all the lessons that you learned from it and apply it to your other projects and performances!