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Alumni Spotlight: Emily Ludwig

Emily Ludwig headshotGraduation Year: 


Bachelors of Music: Vocal Performance


Parkersburg, West Virginia

Why did you choose to attend WVU?

I chose to attend WVU for the nurturing environment, acclaimed faculty, and beautiful facilities. Morgantown is one of the most wonderful places to live and learn; I still think of it as my home!

What is your profession now?

I am currently in my first year of graduate studies attending the Cleveland Institute of Music for a Master of Music in voice.

What is your most interesting current/upcoming project?

In the summer I will be traveling to Italy, to perform Italian operatic repertoire with the program "Si Parla, Si Canta."

How do you feel WVU and the College of Creative Arts prepared you for your career? 

West Virginia University's College of Creative Arts prepared me to audition for the nations finest music institutions. I graduated from WVU with a solid understanding of music and performance, but also with applicable life skills in areas not related to music. WVU's curriculum creates a well-rounded individual that is ready for the "real world."

If you could give one piece of advice to incoming or current students in WVU's College of Creative Arts, what would it be? 

One piece of advice I would give to an incoming or current student within WVU's College of Creative Arts is to immerse yourself in your craft and put yourself into your art. Learn everything you can about your major, even the aspects that seem uninteresting or unimportant. Most of all, PRACTICE!