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Student Spotlight: Caitlynn Buckler

Caitlynn Buckler headshotName: Caitlynn Buckler

Class Rank: Junior

Major and Minor: 

Printmaking major with a minor in Arts Entrepreneurship

Hometown: Fairmont, West Virginia

Why did you choose to attend WVU? 
I chose to attend WVU because I was impressed with the fine arts program and I also enjoyed the city of Morgantown.

What do you like about your major and your WVU experience? 
My favorite thing about my major is the community that comes with it. I have made so many new friend since joining the printmaking program and I can only imagine how many more I will make. Joe Lupo is also such a great professor and makes the program extremely engaging and rewarding. Printmaking as a whole is also a form of art making that is all consuming.

What advice would you give to prospective students considering attending WVU's College of Creative Arts? 
I would tell them to not treat their emphasis like it is set in stone and instead be open minded to learning new forms of art. I was originally and art ed major with a painting emphasis and now I am solely printmaking. It is definitely possible to change your mind once you are here.

Have you recently received any awards or scholarships? Have you recently participated in any competitions, productions, performances or exhibitions? 
I was recently a part of the Juried Student exhibition and won the WVU Credit Union Purchase Award for that show, as well as I was a part of the annual printmaking show at Artists Image Recourses in Pittsburgh titled "Smorgasbord: Vol 4". I have recently been awarded the SURE research program here at WVU as well and I am excited to start working on that this summer.

Do you participate in any clubs or organizations?
I am currently the president of the WVU Print Club. The WVU Print Club participates in arts events all over Morgantown selling prints made by students as well as putting on live t-shirt printing events to help students pay for supplies and fund trips to workshops and conferences across the country. I have had a blast being president this year and I hope next year to branch out even more and hopefully get the club to show work in a few local places.