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Faculty Spotlight: Joseph Lupo

Joseph Lupo Joseph Lupo

Professor of Art - Printmaking

What classes do you teach?

Introduction to Lithography, Introduction to Intaglio, Advanced Printmaking, Senior Projects in Printmaking, Graduate Printmaking, Graduate Teaching Practicum/Professional Practices.

What advice to you have for students wanting to take your classes, or in general, classes in the College of Creative Arts?

I emphasize the importance of meeting people, creating connections, and making friendships with people who have similar goals in life. No artist achieves success alone. Successful artists have a support system of like minded friends that offer support, feedback, introductions to new people and can present opportunities when things are slow. Art school offers the perfect time to make potentially life long friendships that can help ease the sometimes challenging transition from student to professional.

What are your research interests, and are there any projects you are currently working on?

Joesph Lupo Art
My artistic practice explores deconstructionist and postmodern theories of how we understand signifiers and language. In 2005 I began to deconstruct the comic book “The Invincible Iron Man”, volume 01, issue 178, published in 1982. Using comics gives me the opportunity to take apart and reorganize a cultural artifact that is familiar and considered complete. By manipulating aspects of the imagery, text, or story structure, I can challenge our assumptions about fixed narratives, binary definitions, and fixed meaning.

My latest series of prints evolved out of a previous project that alphabetized the same Iron Man comic book. The new work alphabetizes text inside certain word balloons to make absurdist statements that reference William Burroughs, the “cut up” literary technique, as well as DADAIST poetry.

I also research the history of American comics and the current alternative press and independently published comics scene.