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Alumna Spotlight: Andi Frush Hasley

Andi Frush Hasley Name: Andi (Frush) Hasley

Graduation Year: 2002

Degree Received: Bachelor of Music in Music Education

Why did you chose to attend WVU?

I was fortunate to attend Mountaineer Music Camp two summers. The camp gave high school students the opportunity to experience a "music major" schedule for a week. Even following Mountaineer Music Camp I thought I would end up going to a smaller university. But during the spring of my senior year of high school, the Pride of West Virginia sent a CD recording to every high school in WV. Listening to that huge band and realizing that they had the opportunity to travel for different performance and athletic events, helped me realize that a larger university was the place for me.

What is your profession now?

Currently, I teach choir at Martinsburg North Middle School in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Additionally, I serve as the Berkeley County Schools Music Coordinator.

What is your most interesting current/upcoming project?

I have been fortunate to serve as President of the West Virginia Music Educators Association. Through that experience, I have become involved in music advocacy at the local, state and national level. I am in the process of organizing WVMEA's first state music "Hill Day" at the state capitol in Charleston.

How do you feel WVU and the College of Creative Arts prepared you for your career?

I had many leadership and performance opportunities during my time at WVU. Serving as Drum Major for the Pride of West Virginia for three years opened doors to me professionally that I would not have otherwise. Additionally, the extensive array of pedagogy, methods, and ensemble courses prepared me to teach any aspect of music education - I have taught band, choir, and general music, grades pre-K - 12 throughout my 17-year teaching career. Finally, the relationships that students establish with faculty are life-long. I still reach out to many of my professors for advice. I am the musician, teacher, and person I am today because of my education from the WVU School of Music.